Dear Editor,
Really and truly? Opposition, why another no-confidence motion against another minister again?
Why? So, they put you all? St. Maarten opposition sit about 98 per cent on the opposition benches since they exist.
We just had falling of many governments, both parliamentarians and ministers made wonders with articles 33 and 59.
And we just had a very bad hurricane in (2017).
We are making progress bringing the Island of St. Maarten back on track. With great confidence St. Maarten has its first stable government since 10/10/10, We rather you all work together than hearing about a motion of no confidence. We the people would rather have the opposition bring motions on the table such as:
* increase the minimum wage .
* adjust house rent on the Island; rents too high.
* price control.
* increase pension.
* more roads needed.
* eliminate the six-month contracts.
* let buses run on the east side of the Island.
* let GEBE bring the water meters nearer to the homes; the meters are too far.
* district representatives.
* more public toilets are needed 24/7
These are the motions the entire public are expecting from the opposition to focus on for a brighter future for poor men.
Cuthbert Bannis