The way a request for US $45 million from the Dutch-sponsored Trust Fund managed by the World Bank to repair 408 damaged units of St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) and build new social homes was handled (see related story) raises questions. While the Steering Committee claims never receiving such, Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment VROMI Egbert Doran reportedly told SMHDF in July that he understood committee members had already discussed the petition and it was not granted.
Hopefully, the minister can give an explanation during today’s press briefing, but he in any case has until September 28 to answer questions on the matter from the Ombudsman. Perhaps the various changes in government since the devastating passage of Hurricane Irma four years ago played a role, because the then Marlin-Romeo Cabinet apparently arranged the first $5 million to fix 106 units.
Regardless, the news is disappointing because of a huge need for affordable living accommodations. SMHDF’s waiting list of 6,000 alone says enough.
The World Bank secretariat pointed out in its release on behalf of the Steering Committee that the Trust Fund had financed the repair of 269 social homes and another 64 SMHDF units were intended to be rebuilt under the Emergency Recovery Project I. In addition, $20 million was allocated for a “potential housing project” at the request of government.
The latter is good to know, but more details would be required to determine to what extent this can help address the acute shortage of social housing.