Illicit eyesores

Illicit eyesores

An announcement by the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI that unlawfully-placed billboards will be taken down (see related story) is not only welcome but long overdue. As pointed out earlier in this column, a “free for all” appears to have developed in terms of roadside advertising.

While some signs may be legal, many are not. According to VROMI they will now be removed in the interest of public safety, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the island and upholding regulations.

It should be obvious that one needs a permit for such, as is the case just about all over the world. To conveniently claim ignorance may therefore hardly be a called a justifiable defence.

Not only are citizens expected to know the law, but – let’s face it – this is a matter of common sense. However, when rules are not actively enforced, it has an emboldening effect on other, potential offenders.

A modest directional sign outside a business is also something quite different than huge billboards far from the location purely for commercial purposes. The latter have dramatically increased in number over the years, giving the country a disorderly, sloppy appearance.

They are also seen as a risk to motorists as well as pedestrians and “can detract from the island’s natural and urban landscapes,” according to VROMI. It’s not for nothing that the application process involves advice from both the Infrastructure Management Department and St. Maarten Police Force KPSM’s Traffic Department before the Justice Minister issues the permit.

Also considering the tourism economy on which the livelihood of practically the entire population depends, ridding the destination of these illicit eyesores deserves support.

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