The proverbial tunnel

The proverbial tunnel

Statia took an important step towards its return to democracy this week (see Wednesday paper). The local government has now entered a next phase of the Provisions Restoration Act (“Wet Herstel Voorzieningen”) St. Eustatius.
The Island Council reacquired its authority to appoint Commissioners in Glenville Schmidt and Derrick Simmons (both Progressive Labour Party (PLP)). This transition between the different stages of a gradual return to democracy was marked with the issuing of a Royal Decree signed by King Willem-Alexander that went into effect on October 3.
The related conditions have been met, as all required island ordinances were adopted and came into force. The procedures and work instructions of the Island Council have been renewed, while the work processes and system for the issuing of permits and exemptions were updated.
The Island Council can again exercise its right to ask questions or call for an emergency debate and has the power to dismiss the two commissioners; for example, after passing a resolution of no confidence in them. Schmidt and Simmons still form the Executive Council together with the Dutch-appointed government commissioner, who continues to perform duties of the Island Governor and chair meetings of the Island Council.
They remain responsible for the appointment, suspension and dismissal of civil servants through the Human Resources Unit. This also goes for financial management of the administration, security and public order as well as crisis management.
The Netherlands took over the administration of St. Eustatius in 2018 following the report of the so-called Committee of Wise Persons, which stated that there had been gross neglect of duty by the local authorities. The Island Council was dissolved and the Executive Council relieved of its duties. A government commissioner was appointed and has since administered the affairs of St Eustatius.
This intervention remained a controversial matter to many, although others say it was necessary at the time. Either way, it appears that after four years and eight months there is finally at least some light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

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