France emerges cautiously out of coronavirus lockdown

France emerges cautiously out of coronavirus lockdown

PARIS--France tiptoed out of its strict coronavirus lockdown on Monday, allowing non-essential shops, factories and other businesses to reopen for the first time in eight weeks to help resuscitate the economy despite the risk of a second wave of infections.

  With the world's fifth highest official death toll, France is also reopening schools in phases and its 67 million people can now leave home without government paperwork, although documentation is still needed for rush-hour travel around Paris.
  Theatres, restaurants and bars will remain closed until at least June with authorities wary of the peril of new outbreaks emerging - highlighted by a scramble in South Korea to contain a cluster of cases linked to nightclubs. "Everyone's a little bit nervous. Wow! We don't know where we're headed but we're off," said Marc Mauny, a hair stylist who opened his salon in western France at the stroke of midnight.
  In Paris, boutiques on the Champs Elysees opened their doors to the public for the first time since March 17. In metro stations, staff handed out face-masks and sanitizer to commuters while stickers on train seats marked out social distancing.
  The capital's La Defense business district was largely deserted as most employees continued to work from home. Only 10-15% of staff were expected back in their glass towers, a number expected to rise to 25% in June and 70% by September, said Marie-Celie Guillaume, head of the state agency Paris La Defense which manages the district's public spaces.
  "We're headed for a very slow, gradual return," she told Reuters.
  President Emmanuel Macron's government lifted one of Europe's toughest lockdowns after the rate of infection slowed and the number of patients in intensive care fell to less than half the peak seen in April. The virus has claimed 26,380 lives in France.
  Manufacturing plants can reopen providing they put safety measures in place, which for some means not running at full capacity. People can only travel up to 100 km (62 miles) unless for professional reasons, funerals or caring for the sick.
  Trade unions and opposition parties have underscored the risks that COVID-19 infections will pick up again, particularly in places where distancing is difficult such as schools. Health Minister Olivier Veran warned the government would reverse the relaxing of restrictions if infections spiked again.
  "If the virus were to resume its wild race, we would again impose lockdown measures," Veran told BFM television.
  In the Riviera resort of Cannes, whose now-postponed annual film festival had been due to start on Tuesday, police chased a dozen surfers out of the waves, but did not issue fines. Beaches remain off-limits along much of the Mediterranean coast. "(Being out on the water), that's the dream!" cried one surfer underneath the esplanade's palm trees. "It's almost worth the 135-euro fine," laughed another.

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