10 move on to Calypso Finals

PHILIPSBURG--Fans of calypso watched fifteen calypso artistes go head-to-head hoping to qualify for the big finals in Carnival Village come April 20.

  The show was held under the Princess Port de Plaisance white tent Friday evening. D Orchestra led the music for each performer and the show was well attended by calypso-lovers.page6d268

  The 10 calypsonians who moved on to the finals were Fish The Mega Boss, Ricky Da Phox, Young Carlix The Protégé, Baker Jr, King Repeater, Ebony Empress, Empress Z, The Mighty Magic, Lady Baker and King Barrow.

  Each calypsonian rendered one song and was judged on lyrical content, presentation, the rendition and melody of the song. The songs had to be original, never sung in a previous competition and released after May 2016. 

  Organiser Fernando Clark said it was disappointing that out of 22 calypso artistes who had signed up only 15 performed, but he was happy with the quality of the show. He said it was a great show and he is excited to see these performers move on to the finals.

Fish the Mega Boss’ song “Prick” poked fun at reigning Calypso Queen Shakya while Baker Jr sang about independence for the island and questioned whether the island is really ready for independence. Young Carlix The Protégé went the political route and sang about the troubles of politicians and the Justice system.

page6e268Clark invited everyone to the NAGICO Calypso finals on April 20.  

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