Attempted assault on police inspector Joe Josepha, suspect in French custody  

Attempted assault on police inspector  Joe Josepha, suspect in French custody   

A piece of rock was launched at the car Josepha was driving, shattering the right front window, passing right by the inspector’s head, and smashing the left backseat window.

 PHILIPSBURG--Police inspector Ethelwoldus “Joe” Josepha, head of the St. Maarten Police Force KPSM Communications Department, escaped unharmed from an attempted assault on Thursday afternoon.

A man on a scooter pulled alongside his car, first broke a mirror, then, further up the road, threw a stone against the window of the car Josepha was driving.

Both incidents occurred on A.J.C. Brouwer Road. At 3:20pm, a man on a black scooter, dressed in a black shirt and short army pants with camouflage print, drove up to Josepha’s car while he was driving from Cole Bay toward Philipsburg. Without any apparent provocation, the suspect kicked the vehicle's passenger-side mirror, causing it to break. He then fled the scene.

As Josepha continued along A.J.C. Brouwer Road, he encountered the suspect again at the Harold Jack lookout point. Upon approaching the area, the suspect threw a piece of rock at the police vehicle, shattering both the front and back passenger-side windows. The stone flew closely past Josepha’s head.

The suspect fled once more. Despite Josepha chasing the suspect in an attempt to stop and detain him, the suspect managed to escape, crossing the border with the French side.

Immediate assistance was requested from other patrol units, and collaboration with French authorities was quickly established. Thanks to the strong cooperation between Dutch and French law enforcement agencies, the suspect was swiftly apprehended by French authorities after a brief chase.

Police investigation revealed that the suspect was also wanted by the French authorities for a series of armed robberies. The man is now in French custody, where he faces charges related to Thursday's incident and his involvement in previous crimes.

Reports of the damage to the unmarked police car, which is government property, and the assault on Inspector Josepha have been submitted to the Prosecutor's Office for further action.

KPSM said that this incident underscores the effective partnership between Dutch and French authorities in the ongoing fight against crime on both sides of the island. “The swift and coordinated response from both sides highlights their dedication to maintaining the safety and security of the community,” police management said.

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