Debate on DP-initiated timeshare laws stalled

PHILIPSBURG--The first draft initiative law to ever be presented by a Member of Parliament (MP) was met with no quorum on Tuesday. A new session will have to be convened for the handing to continue in the coming days.

MP Sarah Wescot-Williams (Democratic Party) was ready to defend her draft laws to regulate the timeshare industry and the establishment of a timeshare authority, but after a lengthy suspension to gather documents and information the session reopened only to abruptly end.

Deputy Parliament Chairman George Pantophlet pointed out there was no quorum for the session to resume. Only seven MPs were present for the session that saw only eight of the 15 MPs signed in and present to hear from Wescot-Williams and to question her on the draft initiative laws.

The Central Committee of Parliament session started 30 minutes after the official start time of 10:00am due to MPs trickling into Parliament House.

The missing MP, when the session resumed after the document and information break, was Christophe Emmanuel (National Alliance). He was not present in the General Assembly Hall. The other seven MPs were: Wescot-Williams, Pantophlet and Hyacinth Richardson (NA), Tamara Leonard and Dr. Lloyd Richardson (United People’s party), and independents Cornelius de Weever and Leona Marlin-Romeo.

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