Gracita urges all voters to cast ballots, not shy away from polls

SIMPSON BAY--“Those of us who are eligible to vote should sacrifice a few minutes of our time on this day to go out and vote, out of respect if nothing else motivates you,” People’s Progressive Alliance (PPA) leader former Parliament Chairwoman Gracita Arrindell said in a statement urging all voters to held to the polls today, Monday.

“If you choose to stay home again and not vote or you make an effort to cast a blank or invalid ballot, it can mean yet another unnecessary delay in expediting the reconstruction and re-energizing decision-making process of our beautiful island,” Arrindell said.

Today will be “a decisive day” that will “hopefully change” the course of the country and put it on “a path of proactive and energetic governance for and by the people of St. Maarten,” she said. PPA hopes to get the support “to provide a proactive, transparent decision” in the new Parliament.

One can derive many lessons after the devastation of Hurricane Irma, such as the need for a reliable and stable governance, she said. “Dereliction of duty in times of crisis should never again be experienced by our citizens, business community nor by our valued visitors.”

PPA candidates and platform “represent an agenda of and for the people,” Arrindell said, adding that she is “able, willing, and capable” to move the country “forward and grow strong … instead of what most of us have experienced lately by some of our elected and appointed representatives who regrettably forgot their oath to serve all the people.”

She said PPA wants the opportunity “to prove that it is not an illusion to have sustainable economic growth that provides new job opportunities outside of the hospitality sector … Our economy is in dire need of a one-time financial injection to keep a bad situation from becoming worse or even perilous.”

If elected into office, she said, PPA will also endeavour to intensify the re-building process and ensure that the most vulnerable receive “faster and transparent and accountable support, not a handout.”

Arrindell said the new parliament and government with PPA in office will conduct the handling of the recovery funds allotted to St. Maarten in a “transparent and responsible manner.”

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