BELAIR--Government and St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry will host a "Taking Charge" Hurricane Expo on August 4, four days into the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.
The expo will bring together private and public sectors at Belair Community Centre from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin said on Wednesday, "Plans are in full swing" for the expo.
The expo is geared to letting residents know what services are available before a storm hits, what is needed to prepare and how to survive after a hit.
Companies involved in home protection, banking, medical care and products as well as government emergency services will be present at the expo.
A highlight will be a lunch time cook-off. Several food vendors are going head-to-head in preparing the best post-hurricane dishes from ingredients that can be found after a tropical storm or hurricane hits the local area.