Many reactions to Friday’s fatal shooting outside Courthouse

Many reactions to Friday’s fatal  shooting outside Courthouse

Entrance to the Courthouse in The Valley.

ANGUILLA--Following the tragic shooting on Friday, July 19, outside the Courthouse in The Valley, when a 33-year-old man was shot and killed (see related story), there has been an outpouring of comments from many sources.

  A joint statement from Governor Julia Crouch and Premier Ellis Lorenzo Webster states, “We are deeply concerned at this senseless taking of lives. It affects us all and risks destroying our families and our economy, as well as the huge progress Anguilla has made over recent years.

  “The victim was shot in a vehicle outside the Court and House of Assembly. Despite his injuries he managed to make his way into the court building, where officers from the [Royal Anguilla Police Force – Ed.] RAPF and the Prison administered emergency first-aid until an ambulance arrived at the scene.

  “It is time for everyone in Anguilla to come together, stand against this violence and play our part.”

  Contact has been made with Justice Ermin Moise and the speaker of the House of Assembly to conduct an urgent review of security measures. From today, Monday, July 22, an armed guard will be at the Courthouse whenever they are in session.

  A report from the RAPF notes that a zero tolerance approach has been adopted to gun crimes. To achieve this there will be additional resources and officers to work around the clock. There will be an increased presence of police patrols, more traffic checks and

thorough vehicle inspections designed to deter criminal activity and swiftly apprehend those

responsible for these heinous acts.

  "The safety of our citizens and visitors is our top priority. We will not tolerate any form of gun

violence on our island. We are committed to deploying every available resource to combat this threat and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice,” said Commissioner of Police, Robert Clark.

  Leader of the Opposition Cora Richardson Hodge describes the incident as “deeply disturbing” and demands an urgent response. She said, as an attorney she can only imagine the distress to colleagues at the courthouse. “The growing incidences of gun violence have to be reviewed,” she noted, “as the safety of all is of paramount importance.”

  In the meantime she noted that there must be calm across the country, noting that Anguilla is a small community and all are inter-connected.

  In a release from the Bar Association, it states that members are deeply saddened about the

shooting incident that occurred on Friday. They note that the litigant about to attend court was

targeted by gunfire that caused him to run into one of the courtrooms. “In the court building were a member of the Magistracy, attorneys and court staff. The security of all was clearly


  The release states that the Bar Association considers the event to be a breach of security and a direct threat to the administration of justice in Anguilla that requires immediate and swift action, noting that the administration of justice should operate within an environment that is secure and orderly. “Therefore, we are taking a strong position that we must at a minimum be assured of our safety. The Court has indicated that all matters will be suspended until the security of the Court can be restored.”

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