NA maintains position as biggest party in elections

NA maintains position as  biggest party in elections
   NA maintains position as  biggest party in elections 
~ Ottley biggest overall vote-getter ~

PHILIPSBURG--With 3,468 of the 14,490 votes cast, National Alliance (NA) maintained its position as the largest political party after the preliminary results were released in Thursday’s Parliamentary elections, obtaining four of the 15 seats.

 United People’s (UP) party obtained 3 seats; Unified Resilient St Maarten Movement (URSM) 2 seats; Party for Progress (PFP) 2 seats; Democratic Party (DP) 2 seats; and Nation Opportunity Wealth (NOW) 2 seats.
  UP party number two candidate Omar Ottley emerged as the biggest vote-getter in the elections with 775 votes, 357 more than the 418 votes he secured during the 2020 elections.
  UP emerged as the second largest party with 2,837 votes. Newcomer to the political scene, Unified Resilient St Maarten Movement (URSM) led by Dr. Luc Mercelina, made a mark coming in third with 2020 votes; Democratic Party  with1,976 votes; Party for Progress (PFP) secured 1,721 voted; Nation Opportunity Wealth (NOW) 1,488 votes; United St Maarten Party (US Party) 689 votes; and Empire Culture Empowerment (ECE) secured 291 votes.
 A total of 22,553 persons were registered to vote. The 14,678 votes cast represent a 65.08% voter turnout. Of those 14,490 were valid.
 According to the figures released, the 15 MPs will be from NA Egbert Doran, who received 539 votes, 305 votes fewer than the last elections, Silveria Jacobs (469 votes), Ohndhae Marlin (406 votes) and Ardwell Irion (333 votes); from UP party Ottley, Akeem Arrindell (355 votes) and Francisco Lacroes (312 votes); from URSM Dr. Mercelina (704 votes) and attorney Sjamira Roseburg (248 votes); PFP Ludmila de Weever (576 votes) and Melissa Gumbs (462 votes); DP Sarah Wescot-Williams (502 votes) and Grisha Heyliger-Marten (423 votes); and from NOW Christophe Emmanuel (457) and Kevin Maingrette (249).
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