New Territorial Council to be installed April 2

MARIGOT--Following Sunday’s elections, the renewed Territorial Council will be officially installed during a ceremony at Hotel de La Collectivité this coming Sunday April 2.

The Préfecture on Monday released the final and revised results of the elections. Team Gibbs captured 64.31 per cent of the total votes (5,695), Alliance for Hope, Justice and Prosperity 24.15 per cent (2,138) and En Marche vers Le Progrès MVP 11.54 per cent (1,022). The total number of registered voters was 20,286.

According to the Préfecture, from the 23-member Territorial Council, 18 seats will go to the Gibbs majority party, four to the Alliance party and one to MVP.

It is not a given Daniel Gibbs will be President as the Council has to vote on it but that would be the expectation. The four Vice-presidents will also be named on Sunday, theoretically from numbers two to five on the list.

The other institution to be formed is the Executive Council which is comprised of the President, four Vice-presidents and two Territorial Councillors.

On Sunday night outgoing First Vice-president Guillaume Arnell asked the population to keep Aline Hanson in their thoughts and prayers for a recovery.

“Wherever she is tonight, she is watching us with a sense of accomplishment,” he said. “She did the best during her tenure with the means given to her. Clearly we had not done enough to renew your confidence in us and therefore we have to salute the people’s choice. We respect your desire for change. A page has turned but the book will not be closed.”

Arnell congratulated the population for its good conduct throughout the election. Gibbs was particularly emotional on stage when he turned his thoughts to Hanson, his one-time school teacher.

“I cannot celebrate this victory without thinking also about Madame la Presidente,” he said, his voice breaking. “She had the keys to this house for four years, and we worked together. She is not here this evening but know that her former pupil has her in his heart and for always. If she is listening I say good evening and come back soon.”

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