Ombudsman presents list of civil servant bottlenecks

PHILIPSBURG--Ombudsman Nilda Arduin recently presented Prime Minister William Marlin with a summary of bottlenecks identified by civil servants during workshops hosted by the Ombudsmen of the kingdom held June 27 and 28.

  The list presents an overview of bottlenecks which, according to the civil servants, impede their optimal functioning, as well as possible solutions to deal with and remedy these challenges.

  The list is compiled from an exercise. Approximately 100 civil servants, representing different ministries, participated in this exercise at the end of the final session entitled “Understanding Propriety.”

  The overview is divided into eight categories and includes insufficient clarity pertaining to the implementation and interpretation National Ordinance for the Establishment and Organization of Country St. Maarten, outdated laws, deficient budgets, political interference and more.

  The complete list is available on the Ombudsman’s website

  “Considering that the outcome of this exercise is of utmost importance to promote good governance, the Ombudsman strongly recommended the Prime Minister that due consideration is given to the bottlenecks, and the solutions presented in a way that follow-up can be given to same,” the Ombudsman said Tuesday in a statement.

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