Fifty-eight cars and three motorcycles were stopped during controls in Belvedere.
PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten Police Force KPSM continues to increase their presence in the community with controls and surveillance at different locations. Fines were issued to several drivers.
Fifty-eight cars and three motorcycles were stopped and checked by police. Of those, 19 drivers were cited for heavily tinted (blacked out) windows on their vehicles. These controls were in Belvedere near the border point, the junction of Arch Road and A.Th. Illidge Road.
Drivers are reminded by police to have all relevant documents in their vehicle, to always have their driver’s licence in their possession when operating a vehicle, and to adhere to all traffic rules.
Officers will continue to execute targeted controls for the safety of residents, visitors and businesses in view of the resurgence of economic activity in the country, especially in high-traffic areas such as Philipsburg.
Police are also monitoring the areas around schools to deter school-related fights and other illegal activities. Several students in school zones after classes had long ended were asked by police to vacate the area in accordance with the ministerial decree against loitering.
KPSM intends to execute frequent controls for the safety of the community.