Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin during a recent promotion event for the Fire Department.
PHILIPSBURG--Firefighters Week 2019 kicked off with a church service at the Anglican Church in South Reward for firemen and women working within the Ministry of General Affairs on Sunday.
Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin joined the firefighters at the church service. “Divine Service and Sport Days” is the theme for the week of activities that ends with the annual Firemen’s Ball on Saturday evening, March 30.
Romeo-Marlin said on Monday, “The St. Maarten men and women who risk their lives on a daily basis to keep this island safe from the destructive and potentially fatal effects of fire warrant a special recognition.
“Firefighters are often overworked and underappreciated, yet instead of complaining, they bravely protect us at any and every encounter, risking their lives because of the love of their job. Fighting fires is intense, challenging, and very risky work, I have personally witnessed them in action outing the landfill fires, and the massive fire in the Cole Bay industrial area.
“Without fear, they are exposed to falling roofs, toxic gases, and exposed to unimaginable temperatures from the heat, putting their personal safety at risk.
“To the firemen of the government of St. Maarten and Princess Juliana International Airport, as you celebrate this week of activities, I take this opportunity on behalf of the government of St. Maarten to say a special thank you for your dedication and bravery.
“As the minister responsible for safety and security, the Fire Department, I salute each of you. I am extremely grateful and proud of your bravery. Continue to be each other’s keeper. May the Lord bless each of you and keep you and your families safe.”