Rotary Club appeals for donations to help victims of Haiti earthquake

Rotary Club appeals for donations  to help victims of Haiti earthquake

Image of the Shelterbox tent and Rotary logo.

MARIGOT--After the powerful earthquake of January 2010 and the passage of Hurricane Matthew, a major category-four hurricane in September 2016, the southwestern peninsula of Haiti has again been hit by a double disaster: a magnitude 7.2 earthquake on August 14, with the latest provisional death toll at more than 1,300 and 5,700 injured, leaving thousands of people homeless in the southwest of the country, or searching for loved ones missing or trapped under the rubble. Added to that Tropical Storm Grace hit on August 17.


Contents of the Shelterbox.

The Rotary Club of St. Martin North is therefore appealing for donations to provide emergency shelter for the thousands of homeless people in this disaster area of Haiti. Shelterbox teams are ready to intervene as soon as possible, in coordination with relief organisations already on the ground and with the assistance of Haitian Rotary clubs located in most cities of the country, including Port-au-Prince, Les Cayes and Aquin, the cities closest to the epicentre.

  Each of these "Shelterbox" shelters can house 10 people and is equipped with blankets, kitchen equipment, small materials, water treatment products, etcetera.

  They are currently available in Florida and can be shipped to Haiti very quickly. The cost of each shelter is US $1,000 (or 850 euros) and a tracking system is planned, allowing the final destination of the containers to be followed via the Internet.

  All donations, even of a small amount, are welcome, given the urgency and magnitude of the disaster. "United we stand!"

  Please send or drop off your donations by cheque made out to the “Rotary of St. Martin North” (with the mention Shelterbox Haiti project), to one of the following addresses:  Rotary Club of St. Martin North, BP 1177, Marigot, 97150 St. Martin; Minguet Gallery, Rambaud; Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM) office, in front of the Fort Louis marina, next to the Restaurant O Plongeoir; or by bank transfer to:

- the Paypal account of Rotary Club of Saint-Martin Nord: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

- the bank accounts of the Rotary Club of Saint-Martin North at the Caisse d'Epargne CEPAC in Marigot, Saint-Martin: IBAN: (in Euro) FR76 1131 5000 0108 0107 2236 412, IBAN number: (in US dollars) FR76 1131 5000 0108 0217 0458 287, BIC number: CEPAFRPP131

  Thank you in advance for your immediate and concrete help to the disaster victims in Haiti. A certificate of donation will be sent to all donors (don't forget to leave us your postal or email address).

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