Smooth opening for primary schools Mon.

PHILIPSBURG--After a long summer vacation, primary schools in St. Maarten opened their gates to thousands of pupils eager to learn.

Public and private schools were well prepared to accept primary-level pupils.page11c077

Traffic in the South Reward/St. Peters district was a bit hectic as motorists went back to the normal routine of bumper-to-bumper traffic during the early hours of the day. Police and Government controllers were seen directing the busy traffic until 8:15am.

The island’s oldest primary school, Oranje School, saw youngsters beginning Cycle 1 as they waited outside for the teachers to brief them before walking them to their classrooms.

One of the new primary schools, which also houses Prins Willem-Alexander School pupils, was also busy on Monday morning as the principal informed the youngsters of the home-room teachers to whom they will be assigned for the entire school year.

Teachers at Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Primary School welcomed their pupils to a new school year with open arms. Parents stood outside while their children were briefed by School Principal Stuart Johnson about the expectations for this new school year.

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