Some 2,578 pupils checked in Lions eye screening project

Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin observes an eye examination with Lions Club members Davey Woods, Claudius Buncamper and Elton Richardson, pupils and volunteers.


BELAIR--Some 2,578 primary school pupils received eye examinations with parental consent during the Lions Club Eye Screening Project executed last week in Belair Community Centre.

  In addition to the pupils, some 203 teachers, parents, National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) volunteers, Lions and walk-ins were tested by the United States-based Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) Ohio Chapter.

  Nine referrals were made to local ophthalmologists for cataracts, glaucoma, and muscle injuries noticed at the screening.  

  Seventeen VOSH optometrists and assistants were involved in the project.  

  Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin, who visited the eye screening project, was informed by the Lions Club that 690 people needed glasses. Of that number, some 200 glasses have to be especially prepared in the US and will be sent to St. Maarten in four weeks times for distribution to the children via their schools.

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