St. Eustatius’ oldest person celebrates 105th birthday

St. Eustatius’ oldest person  celebrates 105th birthday

Sophia Busby (centre) with her daughter, granddaughters and great-grandchildren.

ST. EUSTATIUS--Sophia Busby, the oldest living person in St. Eustatius, turned 105 on Thursday.

A birthday party was held for Sophia, affectionately known as “Miss Mary” or “Miss Busby”, at St. Eustatius Auxiliary Home, where she lives.


All of the Executive Council and most of the Island Council paid a visit to Sophia Busby on her 105th birthday.


A toast being made to Sophia Busby for her 105th birthday.

Originally from Nevis, she migrated to St. Eustatius and has lived on the island for most of her life, together with her late husband Godfrey Busby. She was known for her dedication to the local Methodist church and school.

The party on Thursday saw many faces, including Sophia’s daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as Auxiliary Home residents, staff and management.

Also in attendance were Island Governor Alida Francis; Island Commissioners Reuben Merkman and Rechelline Leerdam; Island Council Members Glenville Schmidt, Derrick Simmons, Clyde van Putten and Raquel Spanner-Carty; and Island Registrar Melissa Robins-Spanner and Deputy Registrar Marjani Humphreys.

Francis said she has known “Miss Busby” all her life and congratulated her for reaching 105.

Simmons reminisced on memories of “Miss Busby” when he was a little boy, while Merkman said Sophia’s dedication to the Methodist school was “known far and wide” and that the “fruits of her labour can now be seen, years later.”

Sophia also was congratulated by a number of officials from the Methodist church, with Rev. Telford Matthew conducting a thanksgiving service.

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