St. Maarten midday weather forcast

DATE ISSUED: Monday May 28, 2018 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)

VALID UNTIL:  Tuesday midday (12:00 LST) May 29, 2018


This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Partly cloudy and breezy, becoming cloudy at times with isolated showers.

Forecast High: 29°C / 84°F                             Forecast Low: 24°C / 75°F

Sunset Today: 6:43 P.M.                      Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:36 A.M.


This afternoon through Tuesday midday: Easterly with a light to moderate breeze of 09 to 16 miles per hour and higher gusts possible.

A moist and unstable low to mid-levels will account for occasional cloudiness and isolated showers across the local area. The Atlantic high pressure ridge will continue to generate easterly winds.

Seas are expected to peak near 5 feet during the next few days.

STATE OF THE SEA: Slight to moderate         WAVES/SWELLS: 4 to 5 feet

SPECIAL FEATURE: Pre-season subtropical storm Alberto is located near the coast of Florida panhandle and does not pose a threat to St. Maarten.

OUTLOOK through Wednesday midday: Partly cloudy to occasionally cloudy and breezy with isolated showers.


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