Students of GvP celebrate end of their CSEC exams

Students of GvP celebrate end of their CSEC exams

Students, teachers and staff members of Gwendoline van Putten Secondary School and parents at the festive event to celebrate the ending of the CSEC exams. 

  1. EUSTATIUS--Eleven students of the A5 class at Gwendoline van Putten (GvP) Secondary School participated in the exams for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) between July 15 and August 3.

The transition from Dutch-language education to English-language education started in the 2015-2016 school year. The students of the 2019-2020 school year are the first to have completed their CSEC exams.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the CSEC exams were adapted throughout the Caribbean Examinations Council CXC region, in terms of content and depth as well as scheduling.

Normally the exams would have taken place in May-June, but due to COVID-19, the CSEC exams were held in July-August instead.

Also, some of the St. Eustatius students’ classes were given online due to the pandemic.

A festive drink-and-snack occasion was held on Monday afternoon for the graduating students and their mentor, school Principal Rosalie Edelstein-Lopes, the chairman of the school board and some parents.

The students and their teachers enjoyed the annual gala dinner at Ocean View restaurant on June 15. Many pictures were taken of the event, which were collected in a small album for each student.

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