SXM Epicure Club, Fore Iles du Nord collaborate on tourism promotion

SXM Epicure Club, Fore Iles du Nord  collaborate on tourism promotion

Facebook post of Paradise Peak by Zoella.

MARIGOT--In the run-up to Christmas, SXM Epicure Club has begun posting popular tourism spots on its Facebook page as suggested by students taking a tourism course with Fore Iles du Nord Training Center.

  The “Digital Christmas Countdown” features 24 daily Facebook posts highlighting favourite tourism spots.

  Since August 2020, Fore Iles du Nord Training Center has been offering a professional Local Tourism Coordination Manager course. Within this training course in tourism marketing, approved by the labour office Pôle Emploi and the Collectivité, students have 13 months to develop their tourism skills and become tourism ambassadors of tomorrow.

  After three months, the students realised they all had a different vision of their island. At the beginning of November, they came up with the idea to promote the richness and diversity of their territory.

  Driven by their love for St. Martin, everyone wanted to highlight their favourite spots on the island: restaurants, stores, landscapes and more. They decided to do this by highlighting everything St. Martin has to offer in 24 Facebook posts, in the spirit of a digital advent calendar.

  The idea was supported by Fore Iles du Nord Training Center, which found a very willing partner to collaborate on the project – SXM Epicure Club.

  “More than ever, our island needs virtual ambassadors to promote it on social networks. And if we can train the local youth to do it, then I validate the project at 200 per cent,” the creator of the SXM Epicure Club said. The club has over 32,000 followers.

  Fore Iles du Nord Training Manager Manon Bisson commented: “Thank you to SXM Epicure Club for contributing to the promotion of St. Martin and allowing our trainees to contribute as well.”

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