Urgent call to combat school violence: march against youth violence scheduled

Urgent call to combat school violence:  march against youth violence scheduled

The recent incident was captured on video and is circulating on social media (screenshots made by KPSM).

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten Police Force KPSM has expressed serious concern following a recent incident of school violence at a high school in the South Reward area. In light of rising school violence, KPSM is organising the March Against Youth Violence today, Friday, August 23.

  Captured on video and circulated on social media, the violent incident occurred during the first week of the 2024-2025 school year. KPSM has secured the video and is actively investigating the matter.

  The timing of this event – within the initial week of the new school year – underscores a pressing and recurring issue that demands immediate action. The KPSM is dedicated to ensuring the safety of our students but recognises that addressing this problem requires a collective effort. It calls upon parents and guardians to play an active role in this endeavour.

  Parents and guardians are urged to engage in meaningful conversations with their children about the severe repercussions of violent behaviour and its long-term effects. By fostering respect, discipline and responsibility, we can work together to prevent future incidents.

  In light of these concerns, the KPSM is organising a March Against Youth Violence on Friday. The march will start at St. Maarten Academy on Copper Road and end at St. Dominic School in South Reward.

  “We invite all parents, guardians and concerned community members to join us in this march,” leadership of KPSM said. “Your participation is crucial in demonstrating our united stance against violence and our commitment to fostering a safer environment for our youth. Let us unite as a community to send a clear message that violence has no place in our schools or on our island.”

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