Vision for technical education drafted at recent STO meeting

Vision for technical education  drafted at recent STO meeting

Attendees at the STO meeting.

ST. EUSTATIUS--A delegation of personnel from Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) and Bonaire Community Schools SGB were in St. Eustatius last week to discuss the STO subsidy programme, which aims at promoting technical education in secondary schools in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.

page12b012eThe group during a walking tour facilitated by St. Eustatius Historical Foundation.

This meeting was a continuation of one held in Bonaire earlier this school year. Besides an evaluation of the programme, the delegates reportedly identified issues and goals related to technical education.

The group also drafted a “regional vision” for strengthening technical subjects on May 28.

“This collaborative effort ensures that each island will develop activities that not only showcase and strengthen technical education but also adhere to the standards established by Bonaire, Saba and Statia,” a spokesperson said.

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