Vocational Training School hosts its annual career fair

SOUTH REWARD--Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Silveria Jacobs was present at St. Maarten Vocational Training School on Monday morning when the management and staff hosted their annual Career Fair.

The Career Fair was officially opened with speeches by Minister Jacobs, Interim Director Rita Bourne-Gumbs and Public Education Division Head Glenderlin Davis-Holiday. Jacobs encouraged the students to make the most of the demonstrations and presentations by the presenters from various businesses and entities who had taken the time out to give back to the community through the students of the school.

“For some of you it might be a struggle to get to school on a daily basis, but remember that it is worth it at the end of the day. You are getting a lot of opportunities here at the school and I am proud of the school,” she said. She also reminded parents that they were young once and have no idea what impact an adult can have on a child.

The invited guests were given a tour of the school, getting a first-hand view of students’ creations in technology, welding, carpentry and food preparation. Bourne-Gumbs highlighted several students who go above and beyond to contribute positively to the school.

The electro class stood out, as they had made electricity boxes and showcased their wiring skills. Some students also served as ushers, who were hospitable in making the guests feel welcomed.

After the tour, students were able to visit the various booths set up in classrooms throughout the school to learn more about the different careers available at the Fire Department, GEBE and St. Maarten Medical Centre, among others.

Jacobs commended management and staff for actively working together with students to fulfil the school’s motto “The world of Education meets the World of Work,” while the Ministry has a lot to do to make sure that the secondary school meets the needs of the students and the community.

page7b272One student showing off his electro project during the school tour on Monday.

The Daily Herald

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