Voter turnout by noon almost identical to January election

Voter turnout by noon almost  identical to January election

 Voters waiting in line at St. Maarten Senior Citizen Recreational Center this morning.

PHILIPSBURG--A total of 4,767 people have voted in today’s snap parliamentary election as of noon, or 21 percent of the 22,747 eligible voters.

Several polling stations have seen higher voter turnout than 21% average, such as Milton Peters College (MPC) and St. Maarten Senior Citizen Recreational Center, where 24% of its registered voters have cast a ballot.

Bute Hotel, Methodist Agogic Center (MAC) and Charles Leopold Bell School have also seen a 23% voter turnout as of noon.

On the other end of the voter turnout spectrum are Leonard Conner School, where only 17% have voted as of noon.

Slightly better, but still lower than the average, is John Larmonie and Dutch Quarter Community Center, both of which have seen an 18% voter turnout.

So far, today’s trend is almost identical to the reported voter turnout in the election eight months ago, when 4,736 had voters by noon, also 21% of eligible voters.

For comparison, a total of 4,175 votes had been cast by noon in 2020’s election, which was 18% of eligible voters.

Polls close at 8:00pm tonight.  

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