Wescot-Williams says Jacobs has impossible mission as formateur

Sarah Wescot-Williams.

 PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said on Wednesday that National Alliance (NA) leader MP Silveria Jacobs, has an "impossible" mission in her capacity as formateur.

Wescot-Williams said from the looks of the mandate from Governor Eugene Holiday to Jacobs, the latter is placed before an impossible assignment, unless members of the National Alliance/United St. Maarten Party/Mercelina/Brownbill coalition are prepared to make a complete about-face. “In other words – do a complete flip-flop on matters that they individually and collectively have taken a none compromising stance on.”

She said some of these issues that the new majority coalition members have been "adamantly against" include the World Bank/Trust Fund reconstruction programme, the Dutch and European Investment Bank (EIB) financing for Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA), the new St. Maarten General Hospital project, the imminent election (and electoral reform).

“The most cardinal matters that the NA/USP/Mercelina/Brownbill members have chided the caretaker government of PM (Prime Minister Leona) Romeo-Marlin for repeatedly and brought several motions against the government for, are now the very matters the new coalition are to finalise, according to the instructions to Formateur Jacobs,” Wescot-Williams said in a press statement on Wednesday.

She said Jacobs is mandated to ensure that government will continue and complete ongoing business, including existing agreements and a commitment to the promotion of the wellbeing of the people of St. Maarten, prioritize the conclusion of legislation regarding the combatting of money laundering and financing of terrorism, execute the agreement made with the Netherlands regarding the financing of the national recovery of St. Maarten, including the financing of the rehabilitation of the Airport, further prepare the execution of elections, take steps to realise electoral reform and conclude the budget for 2020.

The UD MP said members of the majority coalition “have outright refused” to compromise on the matter of terrorism financing and anti-money laundering, citing hardship for the people, when the opposite is true. “If we don’t comply, the consequences will be felt by every resident of St. Maarten.

“How most coalition members view the relationship with the Dutch government and its Trust Fund is public knowledge. In fact, one of the NA/USP/Mercelina/Brownbill coalition’s trump cards in this regard is the NA/USP refusal in 2017 to cooperate with the Dutch government on any matter that regarded the Trust Fund. The position of the coalition on the election is also crystal clear from their daily statements, even threatening to overturn the election decree and their motion against the council of ministers,” she said.

“Not to mention electoral reform. The previous dissolution of Parliament in November 2017, under the now Chairperson of Parliament was to also be about electoral reform. Did he do anything? Or better yet, will he do anything now? And if so, what? (For) budget 2020: will this budget be prepared without the liquidity assistance from the Dutch government? We know how the coalition members view liquidity assistance. It is one thing to savour the feeling that the new coalition is already in a serious predicament, if their word is to be taken seriously. Not unthinkable is the concoction of all kinds of arguments to defend that they have to go back on their word. On the other hand, however, the ones who stand to lose in this predicament are the people of St. Maarten, so I take no joy in observing how this all will unravel. To the contrary, I am extremely concerned.”

Wescot-Williams said she hopes, for the sake of St. Maarten, that the majority coalition “drops its arrogance and bravado” and just do what needs to be done. “That means in the words of the Governor “that government will continue and complete ongoing business, including existing agreements and a commitment to the promotion of the wellbeing of the people of St. Maarten.”

“If not, at least be honest and return the formation mandate with the acceptance that the new coalition cannot comply with the agenda given by H. E. The Governor of St. Maarten. There is no in-between.”

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