Are such requests futile?

Are such requests futile?

Dear Editor,

  Let me state this, even though I maintain that professionals should occupy Ministerial positions, I have come to accept that until the whole government apparatus of Sint Maarten is swept clean, with both broom and vacuum cleaner, we will be burdened with this predicament.

  I know it will be difficult to get them all out in one term, but it is not impossible and that is what I am relying on. It is not impossible. Out with the old and in with the new. Every great idea that anyone comes with is never accepted before evaluated on “what’s in it for me?”

  With all sincerity and due respect and I mean it, a small claims court is very necessary for Sint Maarten, but there is nothing in it for other than the small man. So because of proven modus operandi of our people in government I have my doubts that a project so necessary for Sint Maarten will get airborne. Someone whispered in my ear, “If Peter put in on his drone it will get airborne.” With my experience from being in the force I know that it is necessary for Sint Maarten and I would like to thank Cuthbert Banis for that letter.

  This is again another reason why I want to get rid of the old, because they have been in there so long concentrating on “what’s in it for me” that the little things that are necessary for resolving problems among the people are disregarded or never looked into.

  In my days petitions and suggestion to government had to be done in writing. There were also rules and regulations for answering the petitioner. But since it has become common that people in government give the editors of newspapers the prerogative whether to print their letters or not (expecting the editor to do so because of who they are) I believe that people in government should make it clear (change the law or uphold and enforce it) on correspondence between the civilian and the government, and not when it is convenient use the lame excuse of not having seen or received any correspondence on that.

  I personally know of politicians who have used complaints out of letters to the editor and used it to make a policy, but like I have always stated, there was nothing in it for certain people so it never came off the ground. But if government had made use of the amount of suggestions and observations made by the people just since 10-10-’10, there definitely would not have been only that one plastic bag story, and the health of the people of Philipsburg and Cole Bay would not be in jeopardy because of what is going on on what we so proudly, but maliciously display as Pond Island.

  So yes we need new people who are willing to take the bull by the horns for the revival of Sint Maarten. We need our professionals abroad to have new people who they could have confidence in and who they (the young professionals) could make shine.

Russell A. Simmons

The Daily Herald

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