
Dear Editor,

Reading the newspapers of late and hearing of the demands of government to the Dutch, which is not my indication, made me question the situation. Our demands are quite adequate and reasonable compared to the atrocities bestowed on our ancestors in slavery. At the same time our demands for recognition, reparation and equality would be quite justified if we applied those demands among ourselves.

For instance, it is a known fact that others (foreigners) get a better treatment than we, locals, get. On the other hand we have workers (“illegal?”) in service and when time comes to pay, we call Immigration, who then ships them out and that is a legal action.

All Caribbean countries should be in support of Haiti and do not leave it up to others. The catastrophe of late in Haiti was reported in the papers on page 5 or 6. Our neighbours, brothers and sisters in distress.

Listen, The United States of America comprises of 50 States that are bonded. The European Union, comprising of 27 countries are bonded. We, the Caribbean, consisting for an extremely large number of descendants of slaves cannot bond? At a reparational meeting, visited by a vice president of CARICOM we were told that we could not be a member because we could not pay the membership fee. No Caribbean country or island, should be left out of such a Community based on the fact that the membership fee cannot be met. As decendants of slaves, knowing what all they had to go through, we should be loving, compassionate, honest, helpful and respectful to our brothers and sisters.

By the way, the remark made by the organizers of the Slave Museum, to be constructed by the Netherlands in Amsterdam, was extremely incorrect. They said slave heroes and fighters and others, like Tula from Curaçao will be represented in the Museum. Correct, but not the slave owners. However, without them there would not have been any slaves and therefore no Museum!!

Without Hitler there would be no Eisenhower, nor Rommel, nor Churchhill as such, and the devil is also mentioned in the Bible.

Considering all that is mentioned are we hyppocres?

George A. Scot

The Daily Herald

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