Is this really a surprise?

Dear Editor,

  Today it’s the US Party, tomorrow it’s UD, the other time it’s UP. Why are they surprised? Has this not been the M.O. of our people in government? I have quoted to you many times that our people in Parliament have their own “code of ethics”, which is: “If you don’ talk on me, oin’ gon talk on you”. Not too long ago I read where one of them say that they picking on he alone. I said to myself, “Oh oh, something smell fishy. I wonder if the code of ethics was violated.”

  But then one Minister lie putting the other Minister in a bind, not sure what to do and in the middle of it all the computers transformed into robots bussin’ the pot telling the Minister, “Yo lie, you’n look … .”

  Just like yo know the woman marry to the man for years and yo goin’ roun’ saying how dey “foolin’ roun wid each other”.

  The other thing what I don’t understand is how come all of a sudden keeping meetings with members of Parliament who are under investigation or even who have been to courts awaiting sentence become a problem. Is it forbidden for coalition partners (members of Parliament ) to disagree with policies and not vote along party lines? This is like “splitting hairs”. The Dutchman will say, “Spijkers op laag water zoeken.” They are accusing others of the same thing that they are doing, the difference is like we would “they get the first chance”.

  Now this. Someone gave me a sheet of paper with the following written on it. I read it, thought about it and decided that this coincides with my opinion. It stated: We need to intensify our traffic controls in combination with Immigration officers in order to be able to know who is doing what here! Too many small companies and no tax-paying.

Russell A. Simmons

The Daily Herald

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