Open letter to MP Christophe Emmanuel

Dear Editor,

There is a kind of uneasiness that is blanketing the country right now, and if this restlessness goes on, it will continue to damage the integrity of this country. Part of this discomfort is that the current coalition is about to exit their role as the governing body, and the other element is the perception that the NOW party is allowing Olivier Arrindell to dictate the running of the in-coming administration.

MP Christophe Emmanuel, you and I do not speak to each other. Roughly four years ago you went on air and bash me because you have the medium at your disposal, but I have nothing in my heart against you. Right now, I speak from a place of wanting to see the country elevate to a level where the prosperity of the land can trickle down to everybody, and not a chosen few.

The opportunity has presented itself for you to establish your own political party, and to be a part of the new government. It would be unfortunate, if this chance slips away, just because you have not taken a firm decision to dispel the perception that Olivier Arrindell is running the NOW party, and the entire soon-to-be incoming coalition. I’ve heard you on two different occasions explaining that he has no direct ties to the NOW party.

You have emphasized that Olivier Arrindell supports two candidates who ran with the NOW party and that he is overzealous, and because of this excitement, he is expressing his feelings in that manner. Very well. The question is: How long would this jubilation last – an elation that is causing doubt on the authenticity of this newly formed coalition?

MP Christophe Emmanuel, you have said repeatedly that Olivier has no direct affiliation with the NOW party; but that’s not what the people are feeling, especially your coalition partners. The country is very small and people are talking. Just like how UP and NA tried to convince the public that they were working in the best interest of the people, the population did not feel them.

I’m not feeling you, MP Christophe Emmanuel. There is a missing link somewhere that is not bringing everything together. It is very rare that my intuition is incorrect. So, if there is more to what is not being conveyed to the public, now is the time to level with the people, because whatever is done in the dark will come to light.

I agree with you 100 percent, not to throw Olivier Arrindell under the bus. But at the same time, the people did not elect him and so they are looking at you to take charge of the NOW party. Also, the NOW party is not alone in this union. Therefore, you as the party leader would have to take the lead to propel the party in the direction in which the electorate expects you to represent them.

As you know, the NOW party is not representing just the individuals who voted and supported the party. The NOW party is representing the entire population, because the party is part of the coalition that is expected to govern this country for the next four years. Do you know the true feelings of your coalition partners, other than what have been expressed in the press?

This is how I see it, MP Christophe Emmanuel. You are in partnership with two elitist parties, mainly URSM and PFP. The NOW party and DP are the two parties whose leaders are down to earth and have kept in touch with the people all year round. Right now, MP Melissa Gumbs has a gripe with Olivier Arrindell. She is blaming him for her decline in votes, which you are fully aware of her sentiments.

Suppose she and her team get fed up and pull their support from the partnership? Then what? All of your efforts for change would go down the drain. Is this your vision of change, MP Christophe Emmanuel? And, Ludmila De Weever does not say much, but judging from her quiet demeanor in parliament, this MP is unpredictable.

MP Christopher Emmanuel, with the exception of their personal lives, their fathers control their political decisions, not forgetting the influence from their political associates. So, when their fathers and affiliates reach their boiling point and demand another direction, who would get the blame? Not Olivier Arrindell. It will be you and the NOW party, who the people have voted for and are expecting the best representation.

Lastly, during the formation process, it was all well and good to refer to the group as a 2-by-4 coalition. Now that the party can better manage the excitement, it would be more appropriate to refer to the group as the coalition of 8. MP Christophe Emmanuel, the people are depending on you to take charge. So, it’s time to do the honourable thing, and take the lead!

Joslyn Morton

The Daily Herald

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