The public believed SAM got UP’s extra seat

Dear Editor,

Many people named the one seat SAM got as UP’s miracle seat because DP with three seats, UP with two seats, PFP with two seats and SAM with one seat can form the next government and they do not need URSM to form the next new government for 2024 to 2028.

If UP is out of the next government let's see how Sarah will survive a seat next coming election, because URSM is depending on DP 100% to form the next government. DP will be blamed if UP is not part of the new government.

The last election could be avoided: USRM, UP, DP, NOW and PFP could have formed the government without having election.

Now the people want a broad-based government even up to 11 seats. By doing so it is possible NA and NOW will be on the opposition benches.

Oh boy, these letters of intent and agreement of intent are giving many of these politicians many sleepless nights.

Candidates that are not elected should form an NGO to remain politically active because St. Maarten is falling apart.


Cuthbert Bannis

The Daily Herald

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