Dear Editor,
Seeing it from the perspective that the majority “rules” is the reason that those who need the majority on their side choose the logical thing to do, which is to get the majority. The word that really counts in this case is popular. One could be known but being popular helps. Celebrities are usually popular and their opinion is usually influential, so people follow their opinion. Information is always vital, but not all people give priority to the same things and if they do not have enough time, in this case they rely on the opinion of popular people.
My question is “What makes it that we know that certain people have proven themselves capable to do the work, but that they are still not given the opportunity to complete the job?” We need a lot more Lainas to ask questions in order to get a positive feedback.
Movie stars put in a lot of time into what they do.
We only see the end product.
Russell A. Simmons