Dear Queenie,
My parents are very religious. They took me to church every Sunday and they always say grace before every meal and say prayers when they go to bed and whenever they have to make a decision they pray first for guidance.
However, I don’t feel as religious as they are and when I tried to tell them about it they were very upset and then they told me I was just going through a phase and I would get over it, but I’m not getting over it.
Queenie, how can I get them to understand that I’m not as religious as they are and this is just who I am, and if I can’t get them to accept this as a fact, where can I get some support?—Agnostic son
Dear Son,
Thank your parents for the job they have done in raising you and tell them you hope they will continue to love you even though you are not as devout as they are.
Then seek professional counselling. It is possible that your family’s pastor can recommend someone who will counsel you without subjecting you to religious persuasion. If that is not the case, ask your family doctor to recommend a non-religious counsellor.