Dear Queenie,
I have an incurable medical condition and have been told that I do not have much longer to live. There are a lot of people who have been important in my life and made it as happy and fulfilling as it is, and I would like to thank them for it.
I am considering holding a farewell party but I don’t want it to turn into a sad event with tears and condolences.
Queenie, what do you suggest?—Dying slowly
Dear Dying,
Your farewell party does not have to be a morbid event. You – and your spouse, if you are married – should make it clear to everyone when you invite them that it is intended to be a celebration of your life rather than a premature funeral. And if you think it will be a strain to tell each person individually what they have meant to you, then give a speech to the whole group, or videotape it in advance to be played at the event.