Interested young man

Hi Queenie!

In a column you once wrote, a young woman is in search for a “real man.”

Well, guess what! I am a serious young man and I'm interested in meeting “Single and searching.” From what I read “Single and searching” has the qualities I'm looking for in a woman.

Please, Queenie, link this info to “Single and searching” so I can meet her. I appreciate you doing this very much!—Interested young man

Dear Interested young man and all

the other men who wrote similar letters,

As I have said before, my column is not a dating service and I never give out names, addresses or other personal information of the people who write to me; not in the newspaper, not by mail or e-mail or word of mouth or any other way. Never!

If you want to make contact with Single and Searching, you could run an ad in the newspaper. If she is interested, she can then make contact with you.

This is the last letter I will publish about Single and Searching.

The Daily Herald

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