Not Interested

Dear Queenie,

I used to date a man my parents liked very much. I broke up with him when I found out he was living with another woman who was pregnant for him and he had two other children with another woman he used to live with before her.

My parents think he is a great catch and they used to be after me all the time to get him to propose to me. They have never forgiven me for breaking up with him and they keep telling me I should try to get back together with him, but I can’t see myself living with a man of such loose morals.

Queenie, how can I get them off my back?—Not Interested

Dear Not Interested,

You were quite right to break up with this man before your relationship with him went any further. There is no reason to believe he would have treated you any differently than he treated the other women.

I cannot believe your parents would think he was such a great catch if they knew what you have told me about him. Also, I do not understand why you have not explained to them in detail the reason you stopped seeing him. Tell them at once!

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