Teenage girl

Dear Queenie,

I’m 16 and most of my friends have boyfriends and most of them go very far with their boyfriends, if you know what I mean, but I don’t feel ready for anything like that, so I don’t have a boyfriend because I can’t find one who doesn’t want to go too far.

Queenie, I don’t want to talk to my mother about this. What can you tell me?—Teenage girl

Dear Teenager,

It’s too bad you cannot talk to your mother about this, because she probably could be very helpful.

When a boy asks you to do something you do not want to do, you can always say “No” loud and clear and walk away if he does not stop whatever he is doing. You will quickly get a reputation for having that kind of attitude and probably (hopefully!) will not attract the kind of boy who would make you say “No”.

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