Working parents

Dear Queenie,

  Our regular babysitter who takes care of our 2 pre-school children while we are at work developed breast cancer a while ago and had surgery for it and now she is having chemotherapy. She wants to continue working, but she has had to take several days off and even when she can work she is too tired keep up with the children, who are very active.

  We think she should just take a break from working and we should find someone else to babysit, and if that happens we can’t guarantee that she can come back to work for us when she gets better.

  Queenie, we don’t want to just replace her, but we have to do what’s best for the kids. What do you suggest?—Working parents

Dear Working parents,

  Talk to your babysitter and ask if she knows anyone who can fill in for her when she is unable to work, or check with an employment agency and see if they have someone who can fill in for her on a temporary basis. If none of that works out, then you can think about replacing her.

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