HAMILTON, Bermuda--With maximum sustained winds that by last night had increased to Category 3 strength at 115 miles per hour, Hurricane Nicole is headed straight for Bermuda and residents have been told it is a “serious threat.”
Nicole formed last Tuesday morning and reached Category 2 hurricane strength two days later, before weakening and then regaining strength over the weekend.
The Bermuda Weather Service (BWS) said Hurricane Nicole would pass within 25 miles of the island – which is considered a direct hit – today, and based on its slow movement, could lash Bermuda with 26 hours of tropical storm weather and hurricane-force winds for about nine hours.
“Nicole is a serious threat to Bermuda, and we cannot afford to have complacency with this storm,” said Minister of National Security Senator Jeff Baron.
"I cannot emphasise enough the critical importance of residents securing their homes and completing their preparations well in advance of this storm.”
Ahead of Nicole’s approach, the BWS said, Bermudans can expect hazardous conditions including strong winds, heavy rain, thunderstorms and dangerous surf and rip currents. Hurricane-force winds arrived last night and are expected to continue at least through this afternoon.
Schools closed at noon Wednesday and will be closed for the rest of the week; government offices closed at 3:00pm Wednesday with the intention to reopen tomorrow, Friday; and some businesses also closed their doors early Wednesday and remain closed today.
At 8:00pm on Wednesday, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, Florida, said the “large and distinct eye” of Hurricane Nicole was 210 miles south-southwest of the tiny Caribbean island and travelling towards the north-northeast at 10 miles per hour.
Nicole is expected to produce 4 to 8 inches of rain over Bermuda through today.
A hurricane warning is in effect. ~ Caribbean360 ~
Hurricane Nicole serious threat
as it heads straight for Bermuda