Food Allergies
Many kids have allergies to certain foods. Food allergies can cause both mild and severe symptoms and the only way to prevent a reaction is to completely avoid the food you are allergic to.
Our immune system protects us from germs and illnesses. It does this by releasing chemicals to fight anything harmful that enters our bodies. In a person who suffers from allergies, the immune system makes a mistake. It reacts to certain foods, as if they are something harmful, even though that food would be fine for a person who is not allergic to it. The reaction causes chemicals to be released. These chemicals can cause many different reactions like coughing, runny nose and eyes, skin rashes, swelling, stomach upsets and breathlessness. Depending on how allergic you are – the reaction could be mild or serious.
The most common foods that cause allergies are milk, eggs, peanuts (which are actually a legume rather than a true nut), soy, wheat, sesame seeds, tree nuts (for example pecans, cashews, walnuts and almonds), fish, and shellfish (like crab and shrimp). You are more likely to have a food allergy if others in your family have them.
If your parents think you have a food allergy, they will take you to the doctor to be tested. The allergy doctor may do a skin test by making a tiny scratch on your skin and placing a small drop of the substance that you are suspected to be allergic to on it. If the skin reacts (for example, it might go red and itchy, or rise up into a bump) it will show that you have an allergy. The doctor may also decide to take a blood sample which is then sent to be tested for allergic reaction.
If you know you are allergic to a certain food, you have to make sure not to eat it. This is more difficult than it sounds. For example, if you are allergic to nuts, you have to check that there are none hidden in items like baked goods (such as cookies) or in sauces or stews. Your parents will check the labels on foodstuffs for you. Be careful to always use clean utensils for serving and eating food. Even a tiny amount of an allergen can cause a reaction in an allergic person. It’s a good idea that your parents let your school and coach know about any allergies that you may have, so they can help too.
Some people have severe allergies. In such cases, the doctor may advise that they can carry a medicine around with them. The medicine is called epinephrine; it is a shot that is contained in a pen-like device. Anyone who has a severe reaction will also have to go straight away to be checked out in hospital. For people with milder allergies, the doctor may advise them to take an antihistamine medication. Always tell an adult straightaway if you feel ill and have symptoms, such as rash, swollen lips, difficulty breathing or upset stomach.