*As always, have an adult with you in the kitchen. Let an adult handle the knife and blender.
This recipe is extra refreshing on a hot day, and easy to make. There aren’t many ingredients at all, but you do need some time and patience as you will have to cut the watermelon and freeze the chunks for about two hours. Plan ahead and enjoy the sweet reward!
Ingredients – (makes 2 servings)
1 small watermelon (or half or quarter of a large one)
Mint and/or lime juice (optional)
You’ll also need
Large knife and cutting board
Sheet pan or large plate
Have an adult cut the watermelon into chunks (not that this is harder than cutting many other types of fruit).
Spread the watermelon chunks on a sheet pan or large plate, and place into the freezer for about 2 hours.
Blend the chunks, adding a little water to thin it out.
Add some mint or lime juice and blend. (These ingredients are optional; they brighten up the flavour.)
Enjoy shortly after making so that it’s still nice and cold!