Juicy jokes

Juicy jokes

What did the watermelon say to its good friend?

You’re one in a melon!

What do I say when I see a fast man run?

Wow! Look at that mango!

What life advice do summer fruit give?

Juice be yourself!”

What do you give a lemon that has been hurt?


What did the strawberry say to its crush?

I’m berry fond of you.

What did the father cantaloupe say to his son?

Watermelon (water-my-lawn)!

Why did the mango go to the doctor?

It wasn’t peeling well.

What did the fruit say to its friend?

You’re pretty grape.

Why did the fruit love to drink hot chocolate?

Because it was a cocoa-nut.

Why didn’t the orange finish the race?

Because he ran out of juice.

Why did the watermelon go crazy?

He lost his rind.

Do you see those full fruit trees?

They’re just mango-nificent!

Why didn’t the police catch the banana?

Because it split.


What are twins’ favourite fruit?


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