Celebrate your dog or bring home a new furry friend

Celebrate your dog or bring home a new furry friend

@ Nestle Purina’s Dog Day and Adoption Drive

This Friday, Nestle Purina, on behalf of Prime Distributors, will be hosting its 4th Annual International Dog Day and Adoption Drive at the Cocky Turtle on Simpson Bay Beach from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. Celebrate the current furry member of your family or invite a new furry member into your life – you never know, it may change your whole life!

Bring your furry friend(s) with you to Cocky Turtle and give your pets an opportunity to experience a custom-made obstacle course, toys and homemade doggy treats. There will be cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn and face painting available for the kids – and, most importantly, all the evening’s proceeds will be donated to SXM Paws, Animal Defenders, and the Animal Welfare Foundation to help them keep up their hard work and dedication.

Thinking of inviting a new dog into your home? Various animal organisations will be bringing dogs looking for their “fur-ever” homes – it’s a perfect opportunity to meet, greet, and hopefully fall in love with your new companion!

Nestle Purina Brand Manager Sharine Duncan believes the animal organisations on the island deserve recognition for community service and selfless efforts. She also encourages the public to adopt a dog, highlighting the many benefits of dog ownership.

“I have a teenage special-needs daughter, who absolutely loves and embraces all of our dogs. They keep her calm, they show each other unconditional love and it aids her in communication and with feelings/expressions. These animals truly act as service dogs, even if it's unintentional,” Duncan says about the ways her own furry friends have changed her (and her daughter’s) life for the better.

And – not only will you be saving a life, your new family member might save yours in return! Dogs bring so much joy and support to our lives, acting as loyal companions, exercise partners, and even emotional anchors during tough times.

Dogs offer unconditional love and companionship, brightening your day with their enthusiasm. They’re also a great source of emotional support. In a 2020 study, 90% of dog owners said their pets helped them cope during lockdown, highlighting the comfort dogs provide in tough times.

A 2009 Japanese study found that looking into your dog’s eyes can increase your oxytocin levels, also known as the “love hormone”. People with conditions like AIDS are less likely to suffer from depression if they own a dog, according to a 2017 study, underscoring how dogs naturally lift our spirits.

Dogs also need regular exercise, which keeps you active too. A 2019 study shows dog owners walk nearly 300 minutes per week – this is about 200 minutes more than non-dog owners. This extra movement benefits one’s health and contributes to a longer life, with research suggesting dog owners have a reduced risk of heart disease and longer life expectancy, especially among heart attack and stroke survivors.

Spending time with a dog can reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Their playful nature lifts your mood, while the responsibility of caring for them gives you purpose. Research even shows dog ownership improves coping skills for people with PTSD.

Dogs make it easier to connect with others. Whether at the park or walking through the neighbourhood, dogs are great conversation starters. About 40% of dog owners find it easier to make friends, with pets helping to build stronger social bonds.

Dogs also make you more approachable – studies show people are more attractive with a dog by their side. Dogs can help seniors thrive, providing emotional support and improving cognitive function. And let’s not forget, their irresistible charm and playfulness bring joy to everyone around them.

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