Alarming Inactivity: Data-driven approach to children’s health

Alarming Inactivity: Data-driven approach to children’s health

By Foresee Foundation

Imagine a school where gym class isn’t just about dodgeball, but a carefully designed program built around a student’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the future Stichting Expertise Experiential Education St. Maarten (Stichting EGO) is working towards, and it all starts with a surprising truth: Over half of St. Maarten’s children lack basic physical competency.

Stichting EGO’s “Healthy Schools Healthy Communities” project isn’t your average schoolyard improvement initiative. They took a data-driven approach, assessing the physical abilities of 1,000 children across six schools. The results were a wake-up call.

Foundation Catholic Education St. Maarten (SKOS) granted Stichting EGO the opportunity to conduct our research within their school population with a grant from Resources of Community Resilience (R4CR).

Some Key Findings

- Some 55% of children scored below average in physical competency.

- Lifestyle trends, including high screen time, insufficient sleep, and low intake of fruits and vegetables.

- Many children struggled with basic skills like hand-eye coordination and balance.

The Power of Data

This information is a game-changer. Schools will be able to tailor gym classes and develop intervention programs to address specific needs. Imagine teachers giving advanced students more challenging activities while providing extra support to those who need it most.

The benefits extend beyond the gym. The BLOC test, used to assess physical abilities, provides a holistic view of a child’s development. Parents can discuss these reports with teachers, fostering a collaborative approach to well-being.

Beyond the Gym

The study also revealed concerning lifestyle habits. Children are spending too much time glued to screens, not getting enough sleep, and missing out on fruits and vegetables. This highlights the need for a multi-pronged approach that goes beyond physical education.

A Call to Action

Stichting EGO is not waiting for change to happen. This data has been shared with relevant authorities of Foundation Catholic Education St. Maarten, the Ministry of Health and the Department of Education, the American University of the Caribbean, the School of Medicine and the funding agency R4CR with a commitment to prompt follow-up actions.

With this information in hand, targeted interventions can be implemented to improve children’s overall health and wellbeing. This initiative is a powerful example of how taking initiative and using data can create positive change. By addressing the root causes of physical inactivity, Stichting EGO is paving the way for a healthier generation of St. Maarten children.

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