Guiding St. Martin’s dancers abroad

Guiding St. Martin’s dancers abroad

By Foresee Foundation

Affectionately known as “No Mercy Percy”, Percy Kruythoff has long been a pillar in the St. Martin arts community. But it’s his unyielding dedication to the island’s youth in the Netherlands that has earned him the spotlight today. Often described as passionate, driven, and resourceful, Percy’s reputation as the “Father of Dance” for St. Maarten children in the Netherlands speaks volumes of his commitment to nurturing young talent. His support for dancers from the National Institute of Arts (NIA) has been transformative, ensuring their experience abroad remains rich and fulfilling.

Known for setting high standards, Percy’s mentorship extends beyond technical skills; it’s about instilling resilience and creativity in the next generation of performers. His deep loyalty to his island and its future artistes makes him not just a mentor, but an inspiration for all.

Some of his volunteer activities and initiatives:
Percy is a “son of the soil”, but – as often happens – is not sufficiently acknowledged by his own people. To get an idea of his achievements, it is necessary to give a synopsis of this trajectory. Percy was the first ever scholarship Dance student to leave for the Netherlands, to pursue a dance career. Percy graduated from the Modern Theater Dance program of the Amsterdam School of the Arts (Academy for Theater and Dance). During his studies, he was awarded the Ineke Sluiter Prize for choreography for his impressive choreographic achievements.

For some years now, he is artistic director, teacher, coach, and choreographer at the 5 o’clock class, the Dance Preparatory Course of the Academy of Theater and Dance for the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). He is also a guest lecturer at various courses within the AHK. He recently became part of the artistic management team of Chassé Dance Studios. As a freelance choreographer/director/dance coach, he collaborates with various organizations that initiate social, cultural and educational projects.

Percy organized a dance-a-thon to raise monies to replace the dance floors at NIA after Hurricane Irma. He assists, mentors and provides scholarships for NIA students pursuing a dance career to enter the 5 o’clock program, and guides them to their best match of higher education school.

Why he was selected for the spotlight:
Percy was selected because it is high time “he be a prophet in his own county” – and we should be proud of his accolades and achievements and what he is voluntarily doing to assist the youth of this country in the Netherlands; giving back to his island!! He is the Father of Dance to the St. Martin children in the Netherlands. Without his unwavering assistance and support, NIA dancers would have quite a different experience in the Netherlands.

Personal qualities and attributes:
Percy has earned himself the nickname “No Mercy Percy” for being passionate, driven and unstoppable. He has high standards for himself and others, and is talented, creative and resourceful. He is loyal and helpful, with a huge heart for his island dancers. And last but not least, he is resilient!

Contact information:
Contact numbers: WhatsApp: +1-721-520-1669 or +1-721-520-0444
Contact person: Arlene Halley Newhouse
Facebook Page: National Institute of Arts – NIA

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