Loes Nauta: A pillar of dedication and excellence at NIA

Loes Nauta: A pillar of dedication and excellence at NIA

By Foresee Foundation

At the heart of the National Institute of Arts (NIA) foundation stands a figure whose dedication, expertise, and passion have become integral to its success – Loes Nauta. With over 18 years of unwavering commitment, Loes has not only enriched NIA’s artistic offerings, but has also shaped its educational and developmental initiatives.

An interdisciplinary arts institution, NIA is dedicated to operating both nationally and internationally as a recognized hub for the performing and visual arts, including gymnastics. Its mission is multifaceted – preserving, developing and promoting these art forms, while fostering the growth of future artists and educators. Central to these efforts is Loes, whose work aligns with NIA’s objectives, making her an indispensable asset to the institution.

Loes began her journey with NIA in 2006 as an acting coach for the Lion King Musical Production at Motiance Dance School, a founding member of NIA. Her educational background is varied: She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre in Education and a Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Curriculum Leadership. This blend of theatre and educational expertise has positioned her uniquely within NIA, allowing her to contribute on multiple levels.

Why Loes was selected for the spotlight:

Loes’ volunteer work at NIA has been nothing short of extraordinary. As a drama teacher, she has inspired countless students, guiding them through the intricacies of theatre arts and drama. Her involvement goes beyond teaching; she has produced numerous theatre and drama productions, adding vibrancy and diversity to NIA’s artistic calendar.

Beyond her artistic endeavours, Loes is a consistent supporter of NIA’s fundraising efforts. Her commitment to the institute is further evidenced by her deepening involvement in its daily operations. She recently took on the responsibility of teaching theatre in the “Total Theater” program, also in primary schools, leading professional development workshops for teachers, and guiding an adult improv group weekly. Her new role as “Director of Curriculum Leadership and Theater” on NIA’s Executive Board is a testament to her influence and unwavering dedication to the institute’s mission.

Loes’ personal qualities and attributes:

Loes’ qualities – creativity, honesty, hard work, passion, supportiveness, reliability, and community orientation – are the foundation of her success. She has become a cornerstone of NIA, continually elevating the institution with her expertise and passion. Her work embodies the very essence of NIA’s mission, making her a natural choice for this spotlight.

Through her efforts, Loes has not only impacted NIA, but has also touched the lives of many within the arts community, both locally and internationally. Her journey is a testament to the power of dedication and the transformative impact one individual can have on an entire institution.

Contact information:

For more information about NIA, contact Arlene Halley Newhouse via WhatsApp at +1 (721) 520-1669 or +1 (721) 520-0444. Like National Institute of Arts – NIA on Facebook page, or visit www.nationalinstituteofarts.com for updates on programs and events.

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