Marine Management Consulting (MMC) Managing Director Jeffery Boyd visited Sister Basilia Center two years ago after sponsoring a charity event in the Center’s honour; and he and his management team made a pledge since then to continue to support the Center.
MMC is living up to that pledge with their newest endeavour, the remodelling of the broken down basketball court. Boyd’s team, comprising Leon Wilson, Jesse Petersen, Stephen Hartley, Jeremy Peterson, Denzel Levinstone, Nicolaus Boyd and Phardo Construction, worked tirelessly to organize logistics, gather donations and install the new court for the clients to enjoy.
Thanks are in order for additional support by Buccaneer Beach Bar for their donations and treating all the volunteers to lunch during the entire project; Nidaro Construction NV for project design and layout; Ace Mega Center for donating building materials; Phardo construction for assisting with additional labour; FKG for the donation of the basketball pole; and Beyond Limits for their public relations contribution.
Boyd and his team continue to follow through on their generous commitments to Sister Basilia Center and have not wavered for a minute with their ongoing offerings. Congratulations are extended to Marine Management Group of Companies, and the larger Sint Maarten community for their incredible ongoing efforts and year round support to Sister Basilia Center which so needed the love that this compassionate group of professionals offered them. Yet another job well done!