Churchgoers celebrate Palm Sunday on Statia

ST. EUSTATIUS--Palm Sunday was celebrated by many Church attendees on St. Eustatius.

Palm Sunday marks the start of the Holy Week for Christians around the world.

Bethel Methodist Church marched out around 8:00am in remembrance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. The cross at Bethel Chapel was covered in purple to mark the crucifixion and the entire altar was covered with palms during the service conducted by Vincia Celestine.

Parishioners of the Roman Catholic Church came out around 9:00am for the Blessings of the Palm at the Clubhouse. They then marched to the Church where the service was conducted by Peter de Jong for his first Easter celebration on Statia.

On Easter Monday, April 17, the Methodist Women will be holding a food sale at the beach.

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